
CrossFit XD – CrossFit

7 Min AMRAP #7 (No Measure)

Sled Push (outside parking lot)

2 lines on either side of the parking lot. Push down one length to the next person and go to the back of the line until its your turn again. Repeat for 7 min.

Metcon (Time)

For time:

21 Pull Ups

18 Bar Over Burpees

15 Deadlifts

15 Pull Ups

12 Bar Over Burpees

9 Deadlifts

9 Pull Ups

6 Bar Over Burpees

3 Deadlifts



Metcon (No Measure)

Flex Friday Accessory Work!!

3-5 Rounds

-21 Bicep Curls w/ empty bar (7 bottom to half, 7 half to top, 7 full)

-21 Standing Tricep Extensions w/ bar

-21 Diamond Push Ups

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