
CrossFit XD – CrossFit

7 Min AMRAP #12 (No Measure)


A. Row 300m

B. Bear Crawl

10 Air Squats

5 Strict Toes to Bar

10 Windmills

Metcon (No Measure)

Range of Motion WOD

Twisted Cross (2 min each side)

Thread the Needle (2 min each side)

Pigeon (2 min each side)

Extended Leg Supine Twist (2 min each side)

We are all hurting bad this week. So, we are focusing on stretching. 20 min straight.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Partner WOD

With remaining time in class:

500m Row Repeats (easy)

…1 partner rows while the other does 30 banded tricep extensions off the rig. This is meant to be a cool down to help the legs recover and loosen up.
For those that don’t want to rest:

10 Min AMRAP

3 Power Cleans #135/95

12 Sit Ups

20 Double Unders

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