
CrossFit XD – CrossFit


Metcon (No Measure)

Long 1RM Squat Warm Up

2 Rounds

50ft Walk on toes

50ft Walk on heels

50ft Walk on outsides of feet

10 Banded Monster Walks (each side)


2 Rounds

8 Eccentric Ankle Dorsiflexion (per leg)

8 Lateral Box Step Ups (per leg)

8 Squats holding 10lb plate w/ arms extended


Back Squat (1RM)

Take your time! This is our retest for the squat challenge! Spend the majority of class on this. When you are approaching 90% of your previous max, make sure you rest at least 3 minutes between each subsequent rep.

Metcon (Time)

200m Walking Lunges
If there’s time…

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