
CrossFit XD – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

Partner WOD

15 Min AMRAP

Partner A: 1 Clean and Jerk

Run 200m

Partner B: 1 Clean and Jerk

Run 200m

*Repeat for 15 min. Score for total pounds lifted. You cannot complete a clean and jerk until your partner returns from the 200m run and tags you. You may each choose your own weight, but you must keep it the same for the entire AMRAP. Change your partners weight to your chosen weight while they are on their 200m run. If you miss a lift, you must immediately run 200m and the weight does not count towards your score. If you successfully clean and jerked 100lbs ten times, your score would be 1,000lbs. If your partner lifted 200lbs ten times, with a score of 2,000lbs, then your total score together would be 3,000lbs.

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