CrossFit XD – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


(Partner Wod)

*5min AMRAP

Max Cal Row

Max Wall Balls 20/14

-Rest 2min

*5min AMRAP

Max Power Cleans 155/105

Max Double Unders

-Rest 2min

*5min AMRAP

Max Deadlifts 155/105

Max Burpees

-Rest 2min

*5min AMRAP

(Decrease Weight)

Max Squat Snatch 135/95

Max KBS 53/35

-Rest 2min

*5min AMRAP

Max STO 135/85

Max Box Jumps 24/20

(Step-ups allowed)

**25 minutes of work

-Each partner will start on a different movement and they will decide between the two of them *when* to switch.
-During the rest, you will calculate how many reps total you each did for each movement.

-A good idea would be to keep an on-going count and as you switch, let your partner know where you are so they can continue counting from there.

**SCORE will be TOTAL combined reps from all the amraps.


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