
CrossFit XD – CrossFit


1 Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch (Build to a heavy)


Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

60 seconds max reps:

Push Jerks #135/95

Rest 2 Min

60 seconds max reps:

Toes to Bar


As needed


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Every minute on the minute until failure:

Push Jerk x 30% of today’s 60 second max

Toes to Bar x 30% of today’s 60 second max

*Once you fail to complete the specified reps within the minute the workout is over. For example, if you hit 20 push jerks in 60 seconds, and 20 toes to bar in 60 seconds in the max reps test, you would perform 6 push jerks and 6 toes to bar every minute until you failed to get those reps in within the minute. Both movements must be completed in the same minute.

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