
CrossFit XD – CrossFit

2 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Power Jerk (1-1-1-1-1-1)

Complete 6 reps of this complex going as heavy as possible. No splitting of the feet on the jerk.

Metcon (Time)

40 Wall Balls #20/14

20 CTB Pull Ups

30 Wall Balls

15 CTB Pull Ups

20 Wall Balls

10 CTB Pull Ups

10 Wall Balls

5 CTB Pull Ups

Wall Ball #30/20


Flex Friday!!

5 x 30 Banded Tricep Extensions on the minute.

-Tie a blue or red (no green!) band to a bar above the head. Lean forward so both hands are in the band and elbows are in the air. Extend arms rapidly.

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