
CrossFit XD – CrossFit

Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)


3 Rounds

5 Squat Snatches #135/95 (in 60 sec)

1 Min Max Cal Row

2 Min Rest

-Rest 5 Min-

3 Rounds

8 Front Squats #155/105 (in 60 sec)

1 Min Max Burpees

2 Min Rest
At the call of “go”, everyone will complete either 5 squat snatches or 8 front squats. You will only be allotted 60 seconds to complete those reps. Right at the 60 second mark your calorie row or burpees will immediately start. The “2 rounds for reps” refers to the scoring. This workout is done as written one time through. Your first score will be total calories rowed after 3 rounds and your second score will be total burpees completed after 3 rounds.

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