
CrossFit XD – CrossFit


Rack Pull (2-2-2-2-2)

Deadlift the bar from a surface 4″ above the ground. You should aim to pull more weight than your conventional deadlift. The 45lb plates are 4″ thick and can be used to elevate the bar.
Every 2 Min for 10 Min:

2 Rack Pulls

*Build in weight each set


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

12 Min EMOM

Min 1 – 18/15 Cal Row

Min 2 – 13 Burpees

Min 3 – 8 Double KB Clean and Jerks #53’s/35’s
On the Double KB Clean and Jerks, the weights start between the legs on each rep. Do not touch the KB to the ground between reps. Perform a swing like you normally would and then catch the kettle bells in the front rack position and then proceed to go overhead.

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