
CrossFit XD – CrossFit


Squat Snatch (3 x 1)

3 Min EMOM

1 Snatch

(1st rep @ 90%, 2nd @ 95%, 3rd attempt a new PR)

Clean and Jerk (3 x 1)

3 Min EMOM

1 Clean and Jerk

(1st rep @ 90%, 2nd @ 95%, 3rd attempt a new PR)

Partner WOD

Metcon (Time)

30 Front Squats #135/95

Run 400m w/ plate

30 Power Clean and Jerks #135/95

Run 400m w/ plate

30 Thrusters #135/95

Run 400m w/ plate
Split up the barbell work one athlete at a time. When you are ready to run, each partner strip a plate off the bar and run 400 meters carrying your respective plates. When you get back from the run, reload the barbell and proceed to the next movement. If you and your partner choose a modified weight for your barbell, make sure you run the 400 meters together with whatever weight you have on the side of the bar.

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